The conception of the HR strategy is carried out by taking into account the short and long-term objectives of the company, the culture of the organisation, and last but not least, the existing human resource. This represents a complex process which you can achieve through internal resources, or through the help of an external consultant who, thanks to experience, knowledge, and objectivity, can bring added value.

If you are in one of these situations; if you intend to build up a comprehensive HR strategy, then Hashera is your suitable partner:

  • Business development

  • Change of the business pattern
  • Reorganisation
  • Restructuring

You might need a strategic vantage point for one or for several HR processes, such as:

  • Identification of HR processes and procedures

  • Singling out the performance indicators (for assessing the employees) or designing a comprehensive process of performance management
  • Setting-up an efficient recruitment process
  • Synchronising the existing processes with the business output
  • Conceiving a clear set of competencies based on which the employees are fairly compensated
  • Investing in future key-personnel based on a sound appraisal of company’s vital staff, as well as of the potential talents

Click here to read Marc Lepiece’s testimonial - General Manager Belgium, Europe, India & South East Asia, Tractebel - Engie Group