We propose you a strategic approach through identification of those solutions that address the single needs of your company.

Based on the business type, we can carry out workshops or training sessions. How do we decide the right action?

The workshop is aimed at improving a business issue whereas the training session focuses on extending the existing professional competencies.

Workshop: is a short, dedicated activity to a specific business issue. Its results involve actions targeted at solving out the business issue, as envisaged by the collaboration with the concerned team members. The duration of a workshop can vary sometime between 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours. 

Training: the right solution when we wish to develop or extend certain competencies. The training can be external, internal or on the job. It is very important to annually plan the employees’ professional development through every training sources.

Click here to read Marc Lepiec’s testimonial - General Manager Belgium, Europe, India & South Easta Asia, Tractebel - Engie Group
